Alex Hefti represents multiple characteristics in one, which is astonishing. Did Alex have all characteristics when you started it or was Alex developed while you were writing the script?
 GGIFF journalist
That's a truly great question. Of course Alex Hefti needed to have at least one character side - the male side, which was his outer self. During the writing process the person more and more debvlopped. And finally Alex reveals their true selves to us. It's an amazing journey, that Alex Hefti first as a She, then as a He and finally as a They undertakes
The main idea was there when I wrote the treatment and developed a lot further during the writing process.

Joachim H. Böttcher
Intersexual banker Alex * lives as a man. When his intersexuality becomes public, Alex * threatens to lose everything because of the traditional perception of his industry of a binary understanding of genders and roles.

Alex* - screenplay written by Joachim H. Böttcher

I wanted to ask you about dialogs. They are smart, humorous and quick. Have you studied bankers’ behavior for the script? Or is it your approach from the beginning?

 GGIFF journalist
Actually, I used to work / work as a banker in various Swiss global playing banks, UBS, Bank Julius Bär and CREDIT SUISSE. This probably makes it so authentic. And 've experienced many of similar dialogues in day-to-day live. And yes, it's a dramatic story. But even a drama can have some humorous elements, I dare say. Life is a struggle already from time to time. Ofter for everybody. So, why not face it with a smile?

Joachim H. Böttcher

My question was, regarding humor The opening part is both humorous and provocative. Do you think humor in script writing is crucial? You pretty much answered it, but I am keen to know about humor in terms of script writing.

 GGIFF journalist
Regarding humor. To be honest, I think this is the most tricky part in writing. Sometimes it flows easily, sometimes it doesn't. And it always bears the risk, that someone else doesn't find it funny at all - or worst case even gets annoyed by your words. Personally I took the decision that you can't be everybody's darling and excessive humor is a wonderful way to create conflict and to initiate the discussions you want to see in today's society.

Joachim H. Böttcher

You use technology a lot in the script, it flows within the story. Is it hard to bring technology when you write modern stories?

 GGIFF journalist
Well, I actually find it even harder to write something historic. This is as you always need to rock your brain about, to what extend a technology was developed - as it develops so fast. The speed of development is amazing and it is sometimes difficult to keep track of it. But again, this is all part of the research process. And yes, that's a really tough part of the cake you need to swallow.
Personal, I would suffer to write something in a high tech environment. But in banking termini I am absolute on top of things - I even hold a PhD on this topic - so I know how to do my research/homework.

Joachim H. Böttcher

The imagery of monotonous bankers/lawyers work routine is extremely detailed, and since you were in the system, you know it better than anyone else. What other films from such category inspired you before?

 GGIFF journalist
"Wall Street" to a certain extend. "Lost". "Philadelphia".

Joachim H. Böttcher

The script Alex deals a lot with people’s perception in the society. Do you think it has changed over the last decade?

 GGIFF journalist
Hmm, actually I do. Yes, it changed over the last two decades. It became more open in many environments - but not in all. My wife and I lived next to an old lady many years ago, who told us that her brother even went to jail in Germany, juts for the fact that he was gay. Today we are a little further - but when you look up the papers, there a still some misperceptions in people's heads. To me it's so nice to see people/couples loving being nice with each other. I never gave a shit whether is a homosexual, heterosexual or whatever relationship. If both want it that way, and as long as it is legal... Why not? Let them have fun? Life is simply too short to worry about that and to remove the nicest moment from others. And sexuality/intimacy is one of these magic moments in live when we are closer to paradise than we will ever get in our lives. In shorter terms: Why make other people's lives harder than they already are.

Joachim H. Böttcher

As of 2022, there are a lot of debates on gender these days. Do you think society will ever come to an agreement on it?

 GGIFF journalist
I doubt that there will be an agreement. There are two extreme positions involved. It's a little bit like politics - there will always be hardliners, progressive people, traditionalist, haters, monsters. It sometimes frightens me.

Joachim H. Böttcher

Recently, there has been a lot of debates on who is allowed to play whom. For example, a lot of people believe male is not allowed to play female. Have you had in mind who would be able to play Alex?

 GGIFF journalist
That's a tricky one to answer. Let me put it this way: Acting is an amazing art and it is an absolutely amazing performance if a man plays a woman and vice verse. Look at the performances of Dustin Hofmann in Totsie Mr.or Mrs. Doubtfire.Personally I think, the best person should be the one who wins to go to the cast list. It doesn't really matter if male, female or whatever. Howert, each debate has a positive core. here, it brings the necessity to look for the very special skills such people maybe bring to the performance. Maybe it was forgotten to look at it in the past? But it should not be a must condition. That's absurd - at least to me. Sorry.

Joachim H. Böttcher

Could you share other script ideas you are working on at the moment?

 GGIFF journalist
Currently, I am working on a film for a younger audience, trying to place a scrip about forced prostitution, worked on a refuges story associated with the war in Kosovo. And I am currently working on a treatment involving a female flight pioneer at World War I - lot on my plate really. There are so many stories to be told - in unique and thrilling ways. I truly love that. Someone ones said: "There are two important days in your life: The day, when you are born, and the day, when you find out why." It took me a while to become a screenplay writer, but now I am fully passionate about it.

Joachim H. Böttcher

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